Aveline Razor Video

Natančna in kakovostna rezila vsaka brivna glava oz.
Aveline razor video. Includes one razor handle one 6 blade cartridge with aveline razor you can get the smoothest and closest shave without paying the woman pink tax. Britvica sestoji iz šest vrhunskih rezil za maksimalno gladkost ter natančnost. Aveline s compact design allows for easy transportation. Ljubezen na prvi dotik večina novih brivnikov se osredotoča na izboljšave rezil.
Edini pravi brivnik za ženske. Gladko in tekoče britje vas bo od sedaj naprej spremljalo vsepovsod. Fe brand films is a full service commercial production studio located in pasadena. Gliding roller balls easy push button blade replacement a built in stand 3 3 flexible blade cartridge moisture strip containing lavender oil aloe and vitamin e.
We developed this concept from start to finish with the goal of introducing this newly designed razor to the market in a vibrant and colorful space. We create branded content commercials short films and documentary shorts. 213 likes 6 talking about this. Directed by felicia manning.
1 641 followers 3 764 following 239 posts see instagram photos and videos from aveline razor avelinerazor. Ground breaking yet intuitive in design aveline was created to deliver a smoother more gentle shave for women s legs and bodies. Aveline is a thoughtfully designed razor that gives you more precision and control over your shave. Glava brivnika omogoča da se brivnik premika v več smereh ter.
Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. Aveline razor se osredotoča in zajema celosten pristop procesa britja.